Why Choose Dreyer Law for Your Family Law Attorney

Navigating family law matters can be one of the most challenging experiences in life. Whether you are dealing with divorce, child custody, alimony, or other family-related legal issues, having a competent and compassionate attorney by your side is crucial. For residents of Newnan, Georgia, Dreyer Law stands out as the premier choice for family law representation. Here is why you should consider Dreyer Law for your family law needs.

1. Expertise in Family Law

Dreyer Law has built a solid reputation for its deep expertise in family law. Our attorney specializes in a wide range of family law issues, including:

· Divorce and legal separation

· Child custody and visitation rights

· Child support and alimony

· Property division

· Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements

· Adoption

· Domestic violence and protective orders

Our extensive knowledge and experience in these areas ensure that you receive the best possible representation tailored to your unique situation.

2. Compassionate and Personalized Approach

Family law cases are often emotionally charged and complex. At Dreyer Law, we understand the sensitive nature of these issues and approach each case with empathy and respect. We take the time to listen to your concerns, understand your goals, and develop a personalized strategy that aligns with your best interests. Our compassionate approach helps to alleviate some of the stress and anxiety associated with family law matters.

3. Proven Track Record of Success

Dreyer Law has a proven track record of successfully handling family law cases in Newnan, Georgia. Our clients’ testimonials and case outcomes speak volumes about our dedication and effectiveness. We strive to achieve favorable results, whether through negotiation, mediation, or litigation. Our goal is to protect your rights and secure a fair resolution that benefits you and your family.

4. Strong Advocacy in Court

While we aim to resolve family law matters amicably whenever possible, we are also skilled to advocate vigorously on your behalf in court. Our attorney is experienced in presenting compelling arguments and evidence to support your case. We are committed to standing up for your rights and achieving the best possible outcome, even in the most contentious situations.

5. Clear Communication and Transparency

Effective communication is key to a successful attorney-client relationship. At Dreyer Law, we prioritize clear and open communication with our clients. We keep you informed about the progress of your case, explain legal concepts in understandable terms, and provide honest assessments of your options. Our transparency ensures that you are always aware of what to expect and can make informed decisions throughout the legal process.

6. Local Expertise and Community Involvement

As a local law firm based in Newnan, Georgia, Dreyer Law has a deep understanding of the local legal landscape and court system. Our familiarity with local judges, court procedures, and opposing attorneys gives us a strategic advantage in handling your case. Additionally, our commitment to the community is reflected in our involvement in local events and organizations, demonstrating our dedication to the people we serve.

7. Comprehensive Legal Services

Beyond family law, Dreyer Law offers a wide range of legal services to meet your needs. Our multidisciplinary approach allows us to address related legal matters that may arise during your case, such as estate planning, real estate issues, or business concerns. This comprehensive service ensures that all aspects of your legal situation are handled seamlessly and effectively.


Choosing the right family law attorney is a critical decision that can significantly impact your life and the lives of your loved ones. At Dreyer Law in Newnan, Georgia, we offer the expertise, compassion, and dedication necessary to guide you through the complexities of family law. Our personalized approach, proven success, and strong advocacy make us the ideal choice for your family law needs.

If you are facing a family law issue, do not navigate it alone. Contact Dreyer Law today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help you achieve a favorable resolution.

Your family’s future is our priority, and we are here to provide the legal support you need during this challenging time.

For more information, visit our website or call us at 770-253-7256. Let Dreyer Law be your trusted partner in navigating family law matters.

Understanding the Purpose of Child Support

Child support is a legal obligation designed to ensure that parents who do not live together still contribute financially to the upbringing and well-being of their children. The primary aim is to provide financial support to cover the various needs of the child and maintain their standard of living. Today, we will delve into the specific purposes for which child support is intended.

1. Basic Needs: Child support is primarily meant to cover the necessities required for a child’s well-being. This includes food, shelter, and clothing. Ensuring that a child has a stable and comfortable living environment is crucial for their physical and emotional development.

2. Education Expenses: The costs associated with education are an essential part of child support. This includes school fees, textbooks, uniforms, and any other educational expenses. Investing in a child’s education sets the foundation for their future success.

3. Healthcare: Child support is also intended to contribute to the child’s healthcare needs. This encompasses medical insurance, doctor visits, prescription medications, and any other health-related expenses. Ensuring access to proper healthcare is vital for a child’s overall well-being.

4. Childcare Services: For parents who work or have other commitments, childcare services may be necessary. Child support can be used to cover the costs of daycare, after-school programs, or babysitters, ensuring that the child is cared for in a safe and nurturing environment.

5. Extracurricular Activities: Children often engage in extracurricular activities such as sports, arts, or music. Child support may be used to cover the costs associated with these activities, fostering the child’s interests, and providing them with opportunities for personal growth and development.

6. Transportation: Getting a child to school, extracurricular activities, and medical appointments requires transportation. Child support can contribute to the costs of transportation, including fuel, public transportation fees, vehicle maintenance, and vehicle insurance.

7. Special Needs: If a child has special needs, whether related to health or education, child support can be allocated to address these specific requirements. This ensures that children with unique needs receive the support necessary for their well-being and development.

8. Unforeseen Expenses: Child support is not only for predictable expenses but also for unforeseen circumstances. Emergencies, unexpected medical bills, or sudden changes in living arrangements may require additional financial support, and child support can help address these situations.

Child support plays a crucial role in ensuring that children receive the financial support necessary for their overall well-being. By covering basic needs, education, healthcare, and various other expenses, child support aims to provide a stable and supportive environment for children, even when their parents live separately. Understanding the intended purposes of child support is essential for both parents to fulfill their obligations and prioritize the best interests of their children.

Dreyer Law is here to assist you with all your family law needs. Call us today to schedule your free consultation.

Qualifying for Spousal Support After a Newnan Georgia Divorce

In Newnan Georgia, spousal support, also known as alimony, can be awarded under certain circumstances. However, it is important to note that Georgia’s laws regarding spousal support are complex, and eligibility and the amount awarded can vary based on several factors. Here are some key considerations for qualifying for spousal support in Newnan Georgia: 

Marital Length: The duration of the marriage often plays a significant role in spousal support determinations. Longer marriages are more likely to result in spousal support awards. In Georgia, marriages of short duration (less than 10 years) may be less likely to receive spousal support unless specific circumstances warrant it. 

Financial Need: The spouse seeking support (the “dependent spouse”) must demonstrate a financial need for alimony. This need could be due to a significant income disparity between the spouses or financial difficulties arising from the divorce. 

Ability to Pay: The other spouse (the “supporting spouse”) must have the financial capacity to provide spousal support. Courts will consider the supporting spouse’s income, assets, and financial obligations when making this determination. 

Contributions to the Marriage: Courts may consider the contributions each spouse made to the marriage, including homemaking, child-rearing, and career sacrifices. These contributions can be a factor in determining whether spousal support is appropriate. 

Standard of Living: The court may seek to maintain the standard of living established during the marriage, to the extent it is financially feasible. 

Age and Health: The age and health of both spouses can be considered when determining spousal support. For instance, a spouse with health issues that limit their ability to work might be more likely to receive support. 

Other Factors: Georgia law provides a list of factors that courts can consider in determining spousal support, including the marital misconduct of either spouse, the time necessary for the dependent spouse to acquire education or training for employment, and any other relevant factors. 

It is important to understand that spousal support in Newnan Georgia can take various forms, including temporary, rehabilitative, permanent, or lump-sum payments. The amount and duration of support are typically determined on a case-by-case basis. 

To pursue spousal support in Newnan Georgia, it is crucial to consult with an experienced family law attorney, such as Dreyer Law. We can assess your specific situation, advise you on the likelihood of receiving support, and represent your interests during divorce proceedings. 

Keep in mind that divorce laws can change, and court decisions can vary, so it is essential to seek legal advice tailored to your unique circumstances and the most current legal standards in Newnan Georgia. Give Dreyer Law a call today to schedule your consultation. 

divorce common questions

What are the most commonly asked questions to a divorce attorney?

When consulting a divorce attorney, individuals typically ask a range of questions to gain clarity on the divorce process, their rights, and potential outcomes. While the specific questions may vary based on the circumstances of each case, here are some commonly asked questions to a divorce attorney:

  • What are the grounds for divorce in my jurisdiction?
  • How long does the divorce process typically take?
  • How is property divided in a divorce?
  • What factors determine child custody and visitation rights?
  • How is child support calculated, and what factors are considered?
  • Can I receive spousal support (alimony), and if so, how is it determined?
  • How can I protect my financial assets and property during the divorce?
  • Will I have to go to court, or can the divorce be resolved through mediation or negotiation?
  • What are my rights and obligations regarding debt accumulated during the marriage?
  • How will the divorce impact my retirement accounts, investments, and other financial assets?
  • Can I relocate with my children after the divorce?
  • How can we resolve disagreements about parenting issues or financial matters?
  • What happens if my spouse hides assets or fails to disclose financial information?
  • Will I have to pay my spouse’s attorney fees, or can they be requested to pay mine?
  • How will divorce affect taxes, including filing status and deductions?
  • Are there alternatives to traditional litigation, such as collaborative divorce or arbitration?
  • What steps can I take to protect myself from domestic violence or abuse during the divorce?
  • How can I obtain a restraining order if necessary?
  • Can I modify custody, support, or visitation arrangements in the future?
  • How can I ensure that the divorce settlement is fair and in my best interests?

These questions serve as a starting point for individuals seeking information and guidance about the divorce process. It is essential to consult with a divorce attorney who can provide tailored advice based on your specific circumstances and local laws. Give Dreyer Law a call today to schedule your consultation. We are here to make your divorce attorney process as stress free as possible.

Why should you hire a divorce attorney?

Hiring a divorce attorney can be beneficial for several reasons. Here are some key reasons why you should consider hiring a divorce attorney:

· Legal Expertise: Divorce attorneys specialize in family law and have a deep understanding of the legal processes and requirements involved in divorce proceedings. They are knowledgeable about the relevant state laws, court procedures, and paperwork, ensuring that your rights and interests are protected throughout the process.

· Objective Guidance: Going through a divorce can be an emotionally charged and stressful experience. A divorce attorney can provide you with objective guidance and support during this challenging time. They can help you make informed decisions based on legal considerations rather than emotional impulses, ensuring that you understand the potential consequences of your choices.

· Asset and Debt Division: Dividing marital assets and debts can be a complex and contentious aspect of divorce. A divorce attorney can assist in identifying, valuing, and dividing assets and debts in a fair and equitable manner. They can negotiate on your behalf to help you secure a favorable settlement or represent you in court if a resolution cannot be reached through negotiations.

· Child Custody and Support: If you have children, determining child custody and support arrangements is a critical aspect of the divorce process. A divorce attorney can help you navigate the complexities of child custody laws, advocate for your parental rights, and work towards establishing a custody and visitation plan that is in the best interests of the child. They can also ensure that child support calculations are fair and accurate.

· Negotiation and Mediation: In many divorce cases, negotiation or mediation can be utilized to reach a mutually acceptable settlement outside of court. A divorce attorney can effectively represent your interests during these negotiations, helping you achieve a resolution that is fair and favorable. They can also provide skilled mediation services or work collaboratively with mediators to facilitate productive discussions.

· Legal Documentation and Court Representation: Divorce involves extensive paperwork and documentation, including petitions, financial statements, agreements, and court filings. A divorce attorney can assist in preparing and reviewing these documents, ensuring accuracy and completeness. They can also represent you in court, presenting your case and advocating for your rights before a judge if necessary.

· Avoiding Costly Mistakes: Divorce settlements can have long-term financial and legal implications. Without proper legal guidance, you may unknowingly make mistakes that could result in unfavorable outcomes or financial hardships in the future. A divorce attorney can help you avoid such mistakes, protecting your rights, and ensuring that your interests are safeguarded.

While it is possible to handle a divorce without an attorney, having an experienced divorce attorney by your side can provide you with the expertise, guidance, and representation necessary to navigate the complex legal processes and protect your rights and interests throughout the divorce proceedings. Give Dreyer Law a call today to schedule a free consultation.

Does an Acknowledgement of Paternity Mean a Child is Legitimated?

No, the acknowledgement of paternity form does not mean a child is legitimated under Georgia law. Unwed parents often mistakenly believe that the father gains custodial rights to the child by signing the acknowledgement of paternity and having the father’s name included on the birth certificate. By itself, an acknowledgement of paternity does not entitle the father to visitation, custody or rights of inheritance from or to the child. Those rights must be established by the filing of the petition for legitimation with the court.

What this means is that only the mother is considered the legal parent until the father starts the legitimation process and petitions the court to establish his custodial rights to the child. This is the case where the acknowledgement of paternity form is signed at the hospital when the child is born. Without going through the legitimation process the father has no visitation rights, no physical custody rights and no legal custody rights.

Without filing a legitimation action, the father has no legal rights to the child where the parties were not married when the child was born or did not subsequently marry shortly after the birth of the child. This is still the case even though the child is now in the father’s care.

If you need a Family Law Attorney, give Dreyer Law a call today to discuss your legal needs. Our office number is 770-253-7256.

Newnan Divorce Attorney

Georgia Divorce Questions and Answers

Finding answers for common questions related to divorce in the state of Georgia can be difficult to acquire online. And, when something is found, the results can sometimes be just as difficult to understand. Below, we have answered the most common questions we are asked daily.  

What are the grounds for divorce in Georgia? 

In Georgia, a divorce can be granted based on the fact the marriage is irretrievably broken and there is no hope for reconciliation by the two parties. This no-fault ground is the most common ground for divorce in Georgia. 

A fault ground for divorce does not have to be alleged. 

There are 12 fault grounds for divorce in Georgia. Those fault grounds for divorce are as follows: 

  • Adultery 
  • Desertion 
  • Conviction of either party of an offense involving moral turpitude and imprisonment for 2 or more years 
  • Habitual intoxication 
  • Habitual drug intoxication 
  • Cruel treatment 
  • Incurable mental illness 
  • Pregnancy of wife by man other than the husband of wife 
  • Force, duress or fraud in obtaining marriage 
  • Intermarriage by persons within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity 
  • Mental incapacity at time of marriage 
  • Impotency 

How long does it take to get a divorce in Georgia? 

The length of time it takes to get a divorce varies. It depends on the complexity of your case, whether there are children involved, whether the case is uncontested or contested, etc. 

Uncontested cases: An uncontested divorce may be granted thirty days after the defendant has been served with the complaint for divorce. Uncontested cases are cases in which both parties agree and there are no disagreements as to any issues. 

Contested cases: Cases where the parties cannot come to an agreement regarding the major issues in a divorce such as child custody or the division of marital property. These cases can take much longer to resolve and may involve going to trial. 

Additionally, each party’s approach toward the case (cooperative, difficult, getting back at the opposing party, etc.) always influences the time it takes for a case to be resolved. 

Do I have to go to court to get divorced? 

In uncontested cases, meaning a case that has been settled between the parties through agreement – a divorce is granted after all the necessary paperwork is filed with the court. One party may be required to go to court and testify that the marriage is irretrievably broken with no hope for reconciliation. In some cases, you can present a Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings and no court appearance is necessary. 

In contested cases, a divorce would only be granted following a trial or hearing where the parties cannot settle the case between themselves. Both parties must be present for hearings and trials in contested divorce cases. 

Do I need an attorney to get a divorce? 

Yes, having an attorney to handle your divorce is always a good idea. Divorces can be complex, especially when issues involving child custody, child support and marital property division come up. Attorneys are trained in the law and know the proper procedures in a divorce such as what documents need to be filed, where those documents need to be filed, how to serve the other party and so forth. 

Many people may feel they cannot afford to hire an attorney and try to represent themselves. However, this is usually a mistake as it may be hard to undo any mistakes that have already occurred. 

Can I change my name back to my maiden name? 

Yes. Your attorney will ask whether you want your maiden name restored and will include the appropriate language in the Final Divorce Decree, restoring your maiden name. 

Am I legally separated once the divorce is filed? 

In order to file for a divorce, you must state that you are in a state of separation. In Georgia, separation simply means the parties no longer engage in marital activities and relations. The two parties can be separated even if they reside in the same house but do not share the same room. 

In Georgia, legal separations are not recognized as an end to a marriage. The parties must go through the divorce process in order to end the marriage. 

Can I get an annulment? 

Annulments are rarely used. Generally, the only basis for an annulment is an allegation of fraud or where one party thought they were divorced at the time of the new marriage but then found out their divorce was either not final or valid. 

Where do I file for divorce in Georgia? 

Generally, a divorce is filed in the county where the defendant lives. The divorce complaint and supporting documents are filed with the Clerk of Superior Court in the county where the defendant lives. There is a specific exception to this requirement that allows you to file in the county of the marital residence if the other party has not relocated from that county more than six (6) months before filing. 

When can I file for divorce? 

You must have lived in Georgia for at least six months prior to filing a divorce action. 

How much does a divorce cost? 

Costs vary depending on the complexity of the case, whether there are children involved and whether the case is uncontested versus contested. There is no way to predict the total cost of a divorce. 

Can I get alimony? 

You may be entitled to alimony or spousal support depending on the circumstances of your case. 

Alimony is awarded to either spouse according to: 

  • Needs of the spouse requesting alimony, and 
  • Ability of the other spouse to pay 

Will I have to pay alimony? 

The main controlling factors in determining the amount of permanent alimony or spousal support are the needs of the spouse requesting alimony and the other spouse’s ability to pay. Whether you must pay alimony will depend on the circumstances of your case. 

What if my spouse does not want a divorce? 

All it takes is for one party to want a divorce in Georgia. In Georgia, a divorce can be granted if one party testifies that the marriage is irretrievably broken with no hope for reconciliation. 

Do issues such as child support, child custody, alimony, and property need to be decided before the divorce is final? 

Yes, issues of child support, child custody, alimony or spousal support and marital property division must be decided before the divorce is finalized. The parties can come to an agreement as to those issues or the parties can request a bench trial or jury trial and let the fact finder decide those issues. 

At what point during the divorce process can a spouse remarry or start dating? 

Only after the case is finalized and all the paperwork is signed by a judge and filed in the Clerk’s office. If you start dating before the divorce is finalized that may be used as a factor when determining awards of alimony, spousal support, child custody and visitation. Although the decision to date or remarry is entirely personal, you may want to rethink getting into another relationship so quickly after a divorce. 

Contact Dreyer Law at 770-253-7256 if you are currently considering divorce or need divorce help. Mr. Dreyer handles all aspects of divorce throughout Coweta County.  

Divorce During the Holidays

It is not uncommon for a person or couple to decide to divorce around the holidays. Many do choose to wait until after the new year to file, which is why there are typically a lot more divorce petitions filed in January. However, if you have decided to proceed with the divorce during the holiday season, there are some things you should consider. Consider the following steps:

Consult an Attorney

If you and your spouse have spoken about divorce, the most important next step to take is to speak with an experienced divorce lawyer about your situation. Try not to wait until after the holidays to begin the process of finding and consulting with prospective divorce lawyers. There are a few reasons for this. First, you may not know if your spouse has already sought legal counsel or is in the process. Second, an attorney can identify issues that you may not have had on your radar and will provide advice, support, and relief that will help you better enjoy your holidays.

Gather The Needed Information

The sooner your divorce attorney has all the relevant documents and financial records they need to begin your case, the sooner they can begin working towards implementing strategies to resolve your case favorably. It is a good idea to complete this step as soon as possible – you will find that it will be easier to enjoy the holidays knowing that you have already taken care of it. You may also have time off that allows you to focus on getting this done.

Keep The Process Away from the Children

Children look forward to the holidays because it brings together family, traditions, and happy memories. If you are initiating divorce during this time, it is your decision whether to tell them about the divorce or to wait. Either way, try to keep any issues or arguments involving the divorce between you, your spouse, and your attorney to allow your children to experience the holiday without stress or conflict.

If you are thinking of filing for divorce, contact Dreyer Law for the legal guidance and emotional support you need to get through this time. Backed by decades of experience, our firm is recognized as one of the most respected divorce and family law firms in Coweta County.

Financial Planning Tips for Life After Divorce

Getting a divorce is accompanied by mixed emotions. There can be disappointment and sadness, but there can also be a sense of tremendous expectation for what is next. A common response to the dissolution of marriage is fear of what divorce will mean financially. 

Divorce undoubtedly changes the economic landscape for both parties. Parting spouses can better maintain solid financial footing by following these tips. 

 Close Joint Accounts 

Many married couples share checking accounts, savings accounts, credit cards, and other accounts. Keeping a joint account after a marital split is flirting with danger. An ex can run up the balance on a credit card or withdraw funds from bank accounts. You will be equally responsible for their conduct. 

You are not in the clear necessarily if you always maintained separate finances. Your former spouse might know your passwords and get access to your accounts. Change passwords to any individual accounts. 

 Calculate Living Expenses 

As a newly single person, you must have a firm handle on what you owe each month and to whom. Top-of-mind expenses are typically mortgage/rent, utilities, and food, but that is only the tip of the iceberg. 

Do not forget about debt obligations, the cost of health insurance, car insurance, pet food and care, gas and vehicle maintenance, gym memberships, pest control, yearly fees, organization dues, restaurant meals, clothing, streaming services, cell phone costs, emergency repairs, and gifts for special occasions. Include any costs related to children, if applicable (school, medical, clothing, food, etc.). 

Analyze All Sources of Income 

Your paycheck is most likely the primary source of income. The net income, not gross income, should be used in this calculation. Other sources of income include child support, spousal maintenance, disability benefits, pension income, trust or estate income, Social Security benefits, and veterans’ benefits. 

Determining from where your income is derived is the first step. You also want to know when you receive the funds (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.). 

Create A Budget and Follow It 

A full understanding of your expenses and income will enable you to create an accurate budget. You may find that you need to cut expenses. Needed changes could be small like giving up your morning coffee shop coffee or more significant like moving into a smaller apartment. 

The budgeting process is not punitive. In fact, budgeting can be empowering for a single person. You, and you alone, decide priorities and create your own healthy financial habits. The budget can help you determine whether you want to pursue a new job or more education or training. 

When possible, budget a percentage of your income into a rainy-day fund and investment account. 

Regularly Review Your Credit Report 

Reviewing your credit report can help you understand what lenders, potential employers, and others see. Your credit report can make you aware of joint accounts that you had forgotten about that need to be closed. You might spot errors in your report that need to be disputed. A review may also reveal bad actors using your identity to open fraudulent accounts. 

The credit report directly impacts your credit score. The higher the score, the more responsible you appear to potential property managers, employers, and lenders. A review of your credit report provides a roadmap for improvement. 

You can check your credit report annually for free. 

Update Your Estate Plan 

Post-divorce is an ideal time to update or create an estate plan. This process includes changing beneficiaries on life insurance policies, 401(k), IRA, and other accounts. In a living trust, scrutinize who is named as primary and contingent beneficiaries. Update your will. Include guardianship of minor children. Create a power of attorney for medical and financial decisions. 

Keep in mind that any change made to your estate plan or beneficiaries must be in accordance with your divorce decree. 

Effective Divorce Counsel Is the First Step in Financial Planning 

The best route to a less stressful single life is a divorce settlement that addresses the specific needs and goals of the parties involved. Give Dreyer Law a call today to schedule a consultation. Our office is here to help you with all family law matters.  

Questions a Divorce Attorney Will Ask

Without proper preparation, the first consultation with a divorce lawyer can be a daunting task. Divorce lawyers ask a series of questions about the marriage, family dynamics, finances, and other personal things. While it may feel invasive to answer some of these questions, the attorney is asking them for the sake of building a solid case. When getting ready for the first consultation with an attorney, it is wise to prepare ahead of time by compiling documents and information that will be useful in the case. Below are some of the basic divorce questions that attorneys usually ask clients during the initial consultation.

What Is the Reason for the Divorce?

Depending on the reasons for your divorce, your attorney may handle your case a little differently. For example, a divorce in which one spouse has been physically abused by the other spouse and has been issued a protective order may be handled much differently than a case in which both parties are splitting on amicable terms. Additionally, in situations where abuse or neglect is involved, this can have a big effect on who receives primary custody of any children from the marriage.

Do The Spouses Currently Live Together or Separately?

Your current living situation is relevant to your divorce case in several ways:

Your attorney will need to know if you and your spouse own a home, and if so whose name the title and mortgage are under; this will be necessary for division of property during the divorce proceedings.

Your attorney will want to know if you are still living in the same home as your spouse or if you have been living separately for any length of time.

If you have children, your attorney will want to know whom they have been living with and what their living arrangements have been.

Are There Minor Children?

If you and your spouse have children, your divorce attorney will need to know this, especially if they are under the age of 18. During a divorce, you and your spouse will need to come to an agreement on custody and support payments for dependent children. The earlier your attorney knows about your children and your relationship with them, the earlier they can begin to factor that into your divorce arrangements.

Does Either Spouse Own Property That Is Not Considered “Marital”?

Any property that is not owned by both you and your spouse is something that should be protected during the divorce and division of assets. However, your attorney will need to know ahead of time what properties fall into this category so that they can fight to protect your personal assets.

How Much Do Both Spouses Earn?

One of the most important details to share with your divorce lawyer is how much you and/or your spouse make. Spousal support or alimony and child support are often directly related to both spouses’ financial standing and earning capacity. For example, if one spouse was a stay-at-home parent for the children and was unable to go out and develop their skills in the workplace, they may be entitled to some form of spousal support until they are able to get a job that allows them to support themselves. In addition to income information, your attorney will also need to know whether you or your spouse have any outstanding debts.

Has The Other Spouse Hired a Lawyer?

If your spouse has also hired a lawyer to represent them, your attorney will need to know the name of their attorney so that they can be in contact with them when you enter the mediation phase. By providing this information early on you can ensure that you and your attorney are prepared and ready to discuss your divorce terms with your spouse’s legal team.

What Are the Specific Goals & Priorities for the Divorce?

Going into a divorce, everyone has specific goals in mind for what they are willing to negotiate about and what things they are not willing to negotiate. If you can convey your priorities to your attorney during your first meeting, they will know best how to represent you and fight for your best interests during the divorce. Be very clear with your attorney about what things are the most important to you, whether it is the house, child custody, or something else.

Should I Tell My Divorce Lawyer Everything?

While it may be tempting to avoid some details or represent yourself to them in a better light, the more honest you are with your attorney the better they will be able to help you. If there is any information that you think your spouse could use against you in court (infidelity, abuse, etc.), you need to let your divorce attorney know as soon as possible. This gives your legal team time to prepare if any unflattering information comes up in court and gives them time to figure out a solution.

If you are looking for a great divorce attorney, give Dreyer Law a call today to set up a free consultation.